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Ndoa ni Bora Kwa Wanawake?


Is marriage good for women?

Many people want to prohibit prostitution and porn. They said those are so bad that they have to be prohibited.

So, if a woman wants to have sex, what’s the alternative for that? Marriage.

By prohibiting the alternatives, societies pretty much push people into marriage.

However, is marriage that good? I mean compared to porn and prostitution?

Kwa mfano, I have a maid. His father wants to remarry. Well, if the father is rich, who care?

However, the father is poor. He wants to remarry and he demands my maid to supply him money.

What a jerk. However, no religious fundamentalists would condemn such acts as immoral.

I know other pretty women that want a divorce. However, it’s difficult to get a divorce.

The rule says that the man has to make a mistake first.

Wakati sisi kwenda mgahawa, na sisi wanapendelea mgahawa mwingine, tunahitaji ushahidi kwamba mgahawa ina kufanya kosa kwanza?

Si ukosefu wa desirability si kosa?

Sisi wote kujaribu kuongeza faida yetu. It’s simply natural that those who can give better offer get more in return.

Kwa nini ndoa sheria wala kuruhusu ukosefu wa mali kama haki kwa ajili ya talaka?

Surely marriage can be a really bad deal for women.

Quite understandably, wanawake wengi hawataki kuolewa. Quite Kabisa vyema women prefer to just be mistresses or porn star.

Ni kawaida sana kwamba wanawake pretty wanataka flaunt mali zao. It’s what advertising is all about.

However, ukahaba, pHata hivyo uchi umma ni marufuku. Kwa nini ndoa si?

Watu kutenda kwamba ndani ya ndoa wanandoa wenyewe kila mmoja. Well, kumiliki watu wengine ni utumwa. Je, hatuna utumwa tayari?

Prostitution and porn have many obvious advantages over marriage. Pretty women in Indonesia, a relatively poor country, can $20,000 per year.

A porn star can earn much more.

It’s very natural then that women choose porn and prostitution over marriage.

But not all women are pretty enough to earn that kind of money in porn. Well, yea. So?

Basi nini? Not everyone iHivyoable to become engineers, scientists, entrepreneurs, or even brick layers.

Do we prohibit engineering, sayansi, and entrepreneurship simply because some people are not capable to do so?

The real reason why many women want porn and prostitution prohibited is because they are envy and want to get rid superior competitors from the gene pool.

njia ya sisi kufuka ni wakati sisi siyo katika vita, tuko katika mbio. Some people do not want to compete. Freedom means competition. So they oppose freedom and choose slavery.

What happens to society that stifles competition? Well, check out North Korea aVizuriee for yourself if free fair competition is really that bad.

Society’s pressures for marriage and against many consensual acts are unlikely there to protect the interests of the consenting parties.

It’s there to protect the interests of disgruntled competitors. Such disgruntled competitors are the one truly immoral and dangerous for society.

Bila shaka, the envy bigots will claim the opposite.

Ndoa ni Bora Kwa Wanawake? is a post from: Soko Huru Forever

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